"When The President Talks To God":
I aqui teniu la lletra:
When the president talks to God
Are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our women’s rights
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
Agree which convicts should be killed?
Where prisons should be built and filled?
Which voter fraud must be concealed
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop
We should find some jobs. the ghetto's broke
No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't
Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke
That's what God recommends
When the president talks to God
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?
I guess god just calls a spade a spade
When the president talks to God
When the president talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he's not?
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the presidential bed
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the president talks to God?
I doubt it
I doubt it
5 comentaris:
Vaig veure aquest vídeo fa no gaire i vaig al·lucinar pel miracle que una de les 'networks' americanes permetés l'emissió d'aquesta cançó...mentre hi hagi llibertat d'expressió als States (que no n'estic gaire segura que existeixi), encara hi haurà una mica d'esperança per a aquest país que sempre em continua fascinant i desconcertant a parts iguals...Salutacions,
No creguis que és llibertat d'expressió...va ser en el programa de Jay Leno (crec) on, en teoria, Conor presentava els seus nous discos i interpretaria una cançó d'aquests, però es va sortir del guió i davant la sorpresa de tothom va escupir aquest maravellós tema. ;)
Per cert, l'últim disc de Bright Eyes es una autèntica joia
Aaaah...doncs gràcies per la dada :) Buscaré el disc, doncs :)
vaya, vaya PER-LA!!!
y amb la seva pròpia entrada a wikipedia:
M'alegro que us hagi agradat, no paro d'insistir entre la meva gent amb la valúa d'aquest jovenet, però com els bombardejo amb tantes coses, ja no em foten cas, jajaja!
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